Deutsch A1
(Alltags- und Berufsdeutsch)
Aim according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and our course design:
The aim is to enable you to understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences aimed at fulfilling basic conversational needs such as introducing oneself, asking questions regarding place of residence, their likes and dislikes, workplace, making appointments, weather, vacation, shopping, conversations between doctor and a patient. Berufsdeutsch component enable you to understand and participate in basic conversation at workplace, introducing your work, small conversations with colleagues, fixing appointments, describing routes. At the end of the course you get a sense of the language and can communicate about regular topics if the partner speaks slowly and clearly.
Things you will learn about
Introducing onself and others
Accomodation and Orientation in the city, daily routine at work
Understanding Time und fixing Appointments
Food and Health
Professions, Business Trips, Holidays
Clothes and Weather